The Idea Of Love And Self-Esteem

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Years ago, the world was a different place. The technology, people, environment, laws, and government were all simplistic. Now, it is drastically different. These things are more advanced than ever making complicated things not so simple. For example, the way people think, act and work have made something like competition a big deal and where laws are more punishable than ever. The differences are apparent and there are too many to list, but the point is things are different today for everyone. However, two topics are frequently being distinguished for their differences the most, and that is the idea of love and self-esteem. In “Love 2.0: How Our Supreme Emotion Affects Everything We Feel, Think, Do and Become,” written by Barbara Fredrickson, …show more content…

People tend to have different views on science and think that it is not only true but brings false claims. Fredrickson brings up the scientific element of the vagus nerve and how it corresponds to the idea of isolation. “That’s because people with higher vagal tone, science has shown, are more flexible across a whole host of domains---physical, mental, and social” (119). The author is trying to show how the vagus nerve is crucial to the development of love and it is the main reason why people feel and act a certain way due to the science of how the mind works. This point can be argued because love cannot be on the vagus nerve, it has to be based on the whole body acting like one. The words “people with higher vagal tone” is undermining the fact that science is only proving one aspect of the population of people rather than the totality of it. On the other hand, Twenge brings up the idea of feeling isolated forces one to keep their self-esteem a priority rather than what science has to prove. “When the importance of self-esteem is challenged, a major part of the contemporary American view of the world is challenged” (498). The author is trying to show that self-esteem is important and science cannot base this argument because most people would agree. Love is solely based on the heart and self-esteem not only involves this but the idea of a certain sense