Lowering The Cost Of College Education Essay

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High school level economics can teach someone that there is nothing that is considered ‘free’. There was once a time when the average American could get by with just a high school diploma. Today’s day and age is a different story; people can barely maintain to afford anything with just a high school diploma. The emphasis placed on getting a college education is higher today just like it once was for high school. It’s the same thing, just a different brand of diploma. With this emphasis on people striving for a college education, the amount of student debt and tuition for school goes up. In this essay I will address reasons to lower the cost of higher education, and discuss if it would be doable with the next president, and what free higher education implies.
The world is changing very fast, faster then what may presume. College was once affordable with just a minimum wage job, but now someone could barely afford to pay the cost of it without anything else. According to Jeje and Rodriquez , “Student debt in the United States has reached a record total of over $1.3 trillion. The average individual debt has now grown to $35,000, while wages barely keep up with inflation.” (6). Not everyone can afford to go to …show more content…

It wouldn’t be much of a gamble if it wasn’t for the constantly increasing prices of college. According to Kelly, “When tuition goes up, policymakers increase federal aid to bring out-of-pocket costs down again, only to see those resources gobbled up by future tuition increases” (Goldrick and Kelly 57). This provides evidence that policymakers are trying to increase federal aid, to students however it backfires due to the increasing price of tuition. This quote also demonstrates the idea that as the ever-increasing tuition/student debt is concerned that it will continue to be a problem, unless it’s