
Lun Luna's Diary Entry Essay: The Nightmare

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The Nightmare knew the majestic Princess’s pain. Anger, rejection, sadness—both understood the torment of raw emotions, but as the beast told the Alicorn of the Night, they did not have to be ruled by them. They were kindred souls, but the demon could not understand why Luna hurt so deeply. For centuries, The Nightmare had fed off of creatures’ terror and hate; it was no one’s victim. Ponies could not harm it; ponies could not wound it. Why had the Princess allowed this to happen to herself? She could not reply. Luna’s mind shouted a cacophony of objections and accusations to her. Ponies’ furious cries filled her ears, and she could once again feel the emotions burning inside her. Harsh tones of anger tinged each voice, but not all of them directed their anger at her. Just as many clamored for vindication, for vengeance on her behalf. Then, Luna heard the voice of her own rage. It screamed and clamored for attention, silencing every other voice. She could feel it—could feel her intense, unrelenting anger. Whether she held it for the creature, herself, or the ponies—she could not tell. All she knew was fury. The Nightmare could see that the Princess had no answer to its question, so it offered a solution. …show more content…

It possessed the magical energy to grant the Alicorn of the Night an endless reign, but it could not leave the realm of dreams. Its magic was still bound to the dreamscape. All it needed was a conduit, a willing soul to inhabit, and its reach could extend into Equestria. No ordinary pony would suffice, though. Even the greatest unicorn wizards would go mad from The Nightmare’s magic, but Princess Luna’s mastery of the arcane would allow her to control the energy. In exchange for this unimaginable power—power far beyond her Sister’s—The Nightmare had only one demand: that Luna and The Nightmare be forever

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