
Diary Of Anne Frank Fear Essay

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In the Drama and The Diary Of Anne Frank by Francis Goodrich and Albert Hackett, Anne writes in her journal very often, but in 3 entries and at some points in the play, it shows how they lived in fear. In her entries on November 8, 1943 she states “The doorbell rung long and loud, instantly turning me white, and my stomach churned.” This fear was shown many times throughout the play as well, one of the times it happened again was near the middle of the play when she was screaming from when her father went downstairs to see what the sudden crash was from the main building, during their Hanukkah celebration “Someone go after Father! Make Father come back! Both of these things are showing them thinking of the worst, feared by their thoughts. …show more content…

Mr Dussel says they’ll trace it back to the thief, and then, it’s only a matter of time until they get to us. Everyone is a little low. Even poor Pim cannot raise their spirits, I have often been downcast myself.” During these scenes it is clear that everyone is sad and in fear just thinking about what COULD happen, not even knowing if it is going to happen, but worrying for the worst. Not too far later in the play in scene 4 in the second act it starts off with a strong tense sentence “Both Mrs. Frank and Mr.Van Daan are nervously pacing back and forth” Right away we get a sudden feeling of nervousness and tension just from how this scene begins, a couple sentences later as the phone downstairs rings again, Dussel says “But this is the third time, Mr Frank! The third time in quick succession! It's a sign of a change! I tell you it's Miep trying to get to us! For some reason she can't come to us and is trying to warn us of something! At this point in the story Miep has not visited in 3 days, making them very nervous, and now this phone ringing without a stop is making them even more concerned. One of the most important things she writes is the last and final reasoning when she writes “I see the 8 of us as if we were a patch of blue sky, surrounded by black menacing clouds, we are safe, but the clouds are moving closer and closer.” This clearly states

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