MCEECDYA Teaching Standards

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The Australian Institute for teaching and school leadership has established teaching standards and have set explicit success criteria for the teachers to be successful in the 21st century.
The teachers are required to constantly reflect, self- assess and improve their teaching practices against those standards. Teachers can judge the effectiveness of their teaching practices by placing the framework of those standards as the criteria for success in the education system (aitsl, 2011). The Ministerial Council for Education, Early Childhood Development and Youth Affairs (MCEECDYA endorses the framework of the teaching standards which aims to ensure high-quality teaching and excellence in the education system.
My beliefs for effective teaching and learning are influenced by the standards set by aitsl (2011). I …show more content…

Moreover, there is independent learning and collaborative hands-on learning. I will aim for students to become independent learners. Students should be able to make decisions regarding their goals and outcomes. Students also should be able to self- assess and reflect on their work. I will aim to provide multiple pathways for students to meet their learning goals. My assessments will be aligned with the standards to ensure validity and reliability of the students understanding. Also, I will include tasks that will involve students to learn and collaborate with peers and the local and global community. The technology will be incorporated into my classroom practices in such a way that promotes learning and improves my teaching practices and complements the National Curriculum. Students will get many views and ideas from multiple sources and this will enable students to develop critical and higher order thinking skills. Moreover, self-directed learning, collaboration and social interaction are all the essential skills for the 21st-century