Teaching And Learning And The Australian Practice Standards For Teachers

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My emergent philosophy of teaching and learning surrounds two notions. These are that provision of feedback in both directions (teacher and student dynamic) is integral to the learning process, and that teachers should conduct themselves to be a good example for students. To best elaborate on these notions, this discursive essay will be separated into two sections explaining each notion with regards to my newfound experience within education, the relevance to learning theories, the Griffith dimensions of learning and the Australian Practice Standards for Teachers (APST). From an overall summarizing statement perspective, my philosophy is engrained in the belief that both teachers and students bring many experiences and elements of knowledge …show more content…

It seems that the feedback loop allows students to reflect on both strengths and weaknesses, in order to place focus on setting realistic goals for improvement. The theory of multiple intelligences proposed by Howard Hardener, is engrained in the belief that human have several ways of processing information (Morgan, 2021). An ongoing dialogue between teachers and students provides an opportunity for both verbal and written modalities for communication exchange, supporting the beliefs of Hardener’s theory of multiple …show more content…

For myself, this notion is best articulated by John Maxwell’s (Youthdoit.org, n.d.) quote of “Leaders become great not because of their power, but because of their ability to empower others.”. I believe that a teacher’s role in a student’s life holds a profound influence, not solely as an educator but also a role model, it is crucial for teachers to acknowledge this influence and accept the responsibility to shape and develop values, beliefs, and aspirations.
I believe that teachers through their own actions can largely impact the character development of their students. Whether it be the display of integrity, honesty, or respect during interactions, this modelled behaviour can serve as a powerful tool for student character development. These interactions are a great display and an example of Standard 7 of APST, “Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community” (AITSL, 2011). Students, when observing a teacher’s behaviour have the option to analyse and internalise these qualities, allowing them to emulate these learned behaviours in their own lives. When teachers display and conduct professionalism in the classroom with regard to teaching content in a knowldegagble fashion this depicts the expectation of Standard 2, “Know the content and how to teach it”,