Macbeth's Unchecked Ambition Essay

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In the play Macbeth, the author William Shakespeare, shows that the Macbeth’s unchecked ambition led them to ruin after stealing the crown of Scotland, which they weren’t entitled to in the first place. The most famous story of the dark side of ambition is surely Shakespeare’s timeless classic Macbeth. The King, though, isn’t the only crazed, greedy for power character in the play. In fact, Lady Macbeth is maybe even more out of control than her husband when it comes to seeking power. Throughout the story she seeks to support her husband in his terrible plans and steer his actions and thoughts. She even goes so far as to beg to be free of her natural female kindness so she can be more ruthless. Her effort is effective, because Macbeth murdered anyone in his path in order to steal Scotland. In the end, both Macbeths end up dead and all that ambition puts them in early graves. The insatiable ambitions of Macbeth are driven by the even more unhealthy ambitions of his Lady Macbeth and this hugely unhealthy desire for power causes them both to lose their souls …show more content…

At least he is secure in his own safety and can be assured that no man can harm him. Unfortunately, sometimes ambition and treachery can lead to arrogance and this is where Macbeth finds himself as death and terror descend on his kingdom. Civil War is the result of all his plotting and killing and it seems Macbeth knows his “life’s but a walking shadow” as his messenger tells him the “Wood began to move” (Act V Scene V, line 39). He decides not to fear death and to accept his fate as he battles Macduff. But there is doubt in his mind and he seems to know he’ll be paraded and “painted upon a pole and underwrit” with the words, “Here may you see the tyrant” for all to see (Act V Scene VIII, line 31). All is lost for Macbeth now that he has given everything for the Weird Sisters terrible

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