Machiavelli And Religion

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Niccolo Machiavelli This summary discusses about two books of an author and philosopher whose called Niccolo Machiavelli. In his Book I, the lack of religion is well shown in Italy that caused Machiavelli be in a contradiction of the idea about the Roman Church. Machiavelli mentioned two significant reasons for his contradict. The first reason was the absent of religion in Italy by the church which provided a disunity and disloyalty to the cities. The author cited that religion is the way of bringing benefits, but when it lacked, it became the opposite, so they were forced to the Church and Priests of being without religion. The second reason he stated is that the Church was the cause of ruining Italy by keeping the areas divided. He also claimed that unity and happiness would come back to the areas if they were under a prince or a republic’s control, such as …show more content…

The Church was the intention of this circumstance; it could not make its own prince and take hold of the tyranny of Italy because it has not been enough powerful although it was an empire. However, the Church had enough power to control over areas which tried to become more powerful in Italy, and this was due to the fear of losing domination over the areas. These have been shown in many ways. To illustrate, by revenues of Charlemagne, the Church banished the practically kings of all Italy, the Longobards, who took the power of the Venetians away by the help of France, and they after took the French out by the help of Swiss. Because the Church could not unify Italy by itself, so it did not let the others do instead. This was the purpose why Italy had been under control of many princes and lords not only one ruler and had been disunity with weaknesses. Therefore, Italy was a victim of