Macy's Essay

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Introduction Imagine being excited for a much needed promotion. Confident that it is you that will be receiving it considering the fact that your boss has been dangling it for some time now. Then all of the sudden that promotion that you wanted is suddenly given to the guy who has only been working for a month. And you are left to work the same position for the rest of your life working there. That's how most women and minorities feel. They work in big companies and have opportunities hanging above their head for them to catch only to not be able to get it. Since before the 1900s Glass Ceilings have been a common issue in work spaces. Although it’s not as bad as it was then, it’s still something that happens especially in well known companies …show more content…

This store is widely known to many people. Especially for their Thanksgiving Parade that is held every year. Selling things from clothes to shoes to home appliances to a lot of other stuff. According to “” Their first year sales were around $85,000, in 1888 Straus Family had a general partnership with Macy’s and then in 1910 Macy’s was finally incorporated. Issue or Controversy The issue involving this corporation is that Macy’s has a really big issue with glass ceilings. In one of the sources found it gives percentages of how many of certain groups work with the company. Most of the workers are White Males and almost every single high position was reserved for only white men. Here are some statistics from the ‘Catholic League’ about Macy’s glass v=ceiling issue “Only 39% of the Executive Management team are ethnic minorities. 27 % of the executive Management team are women and there are no ethnic minorities.” As we can see it was pretty clear that they made sure that none of the Women and other minorities are put in their place and not allowed to move up and be at the same level as the white privileged men. Not even the white women were allowed to be on the same level, they definitely had a little bit higher step from the other minorities but still. Most of the men working will claim that there is nothing in the way of the women and minorities to achieve the same thing as them. However, those men can say all they want but that is because they don’t know. Everything is handed to them they don't know how hard it is for women and other minorities to try and keep up with everyone