Madeleine Leininger's Theory Of Culture Care Diversity And Universality

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Personal Nursing Philosophy

The society has high expectations for the nursing profession. Most cultures expect nurses to have high morale standards and a good character or virtues (Newham, 2014). Consequently, several societies consider becoming a nurse a calling. However, multiple reasons are responsible to choose the nursing profession. Some reasons might be plain to recognize by the nurse, but sometimes the reasons might linger in the subconscious. Therefore, people might not always be aware of all the reasons for choosing the profession. However, developing great skills at the nursing profession requires the knowledge of why the particular profession appeared appealing to the individual.
Personal philosophical statement
Nursing is rooted in the caring attitude to help people in need to become healthy again with regard to the patient’s cultural standard of health, mentally as well as physically. Furthermore, nursing means knowledge of the current evidence-based practice to help a patient with the highest quality of care, but respecting patient’s wishes, if the wishes differ from current evidence-based care. Particularly important is the holistic view of a patient. Individuals do not live in a vacuum; family, society, cultural standards, and the connection to nature influence the patient and need consideration when caring for the patient.
Personal nursing philosophy compared to Madeleine Leininger’s Theory of Culture Care Diversity and Universality