Maeser Personal Statement

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I have always been in love with the liberal arts environment. I started my academic career at Karl G. Maeser Preparatory Academy, a small classical and liberal arts school, located in Lindon, Utah. I started at the school in seventh grade, and I will complete my sixth and graduating year in May. At Maeser, we believe that the best way to be prepared for the future is to look at the accepted and proven ideas of the past. By looking to the past, we can see the future more clearly. Maeser’s view of classical education is in many ways the pinnacle of a long educational tradition. We study the great words and ideas of the past. We do this by reading the original primary sources. This allowed me personally to form my own opinions about the literature instead of relying on modern opinions. Maeser also focuses on the values that will make me be able me to adapt to an ever-changing world. In seventh and eighth grade, I had the opportunity to study …show more content…

Instead of separating history and language arts class, the Socratic Seminar combines them into a daily two hour class which provided me with a unique and powerful learning experience. Socratic Seminar was made to encourage discussion and foster critical thinking. While teachers occasionally teach, most of the class revolves around class discussions, with the teacher acting as a facilitator.
While I have spent time at Maeser, I have also been involved in many extracurricular and academic activities. I have been involved in student government at the school. My sophomore year of highschool, I served as the Class Vice-President. In my junior year, I was the Class President. This year, I have led the school as the Student Body President.
In my educational career, I have been involved in many drama activities. Through acting in the drama class, competing in the Utah Shakespeare Competition, school musicals and plays, I loved spending time to appreciate the