Maintain Ph Levels

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All living organisms contain a certain amount of pH level. pH levels are that indicate whether a substance is acidic or basic. Acidic substances are substances that have pH level less 7 and basic substances are substances that have a pH level of greater than 7. Most living cell in the environment has a pH level of 7 which are considered to be a neutral environment. To maintain this neutral environment cells must buffer the pH level so they are not too acidic or basic (Edwards et al, 2011). Buffers are substances that help prevent the pH levels of an organism to be stable; the purpose is to maintain homoeostasis. In living organisms bodies’ pH levels are probably one of the most important elements affecting the health status and body function. pH levels reflect the events occurring in the body. pH influences every physiologic activity in the bodies; this includes metabolism, pain, and diseases. The speed of all biological and electrical reactions is under pH control. Many things in today’s environment all …show more content…

This increases the H+ activity of the solution without increasing the concentration of OH- ions in the solution. The pH of the water becomes more acidic, when increasing the drops of HCl, the pH become lower (Murmson, 2014). On average commercial buffer had a pH of 7 because when HCl was added to a commercial buffer there was no change in the pH because the commercial buffer was a weak acid, the effect of the ph will be less. As seen in figure 1 it clearly show the buffer with a constant pH of 7 compared to the other substances used. It is also because the buffer solution was composed of

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