Malcolm Gladwell The Tipping Point

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At the beginning of the semester when I was told that we needed to write a book report about “The Tipping Point” I was yet to uncover its pages. I had no idea how inspirational this book was going to be, and how much it would transform me. As pages passed by I started feeling something inside me, I realized that something was changing and that this book was just not going to be one more in the list of read ones. Something was happing that I couldn’t yet understand. Every page stroke for a new view of the world that surrounds me and every phrase stayed to me. Was then when I realized the meaning behind that special tipping point. In The Tipping Point, Malcolm Gladwell follows trends from their inception to their end and tries to discover …show more content…

Further in the book Gladwell goes into how individuals could be classified in three groups. This division, he decided to call it The Law of the Few. In this law, we identified individuals by relating them to three categories: mavens, connectors and salesmen. This three groups are conformed by a tiny percentage of people who do the majority of the work in order to build momentum and strike for that tipping point. However, even when he talks about each category separately he also believes in the fact that within one single person the three categories could be found (Gladwell, Malcolm.) The author describes mavens as those people who know everything about some specialty area such as: food, technology, cloth. According to his study this group is conform by kind of databank, they keep a close eye into the facts and quality differences. They are the providers of the message and the necessary information for those who surround them to make informed decisions. Mavens are basically opinion leading consumer experts who spread influence by sharing their knowledge with friends and family. They keep innovation since their decisions are respected by peers and considered …show more content…

This factor in particular refers to the ability of different ideas or products to stick in the mind of the public and influence their future decisions. Different brands and products have capture the attention of their customer since the beginning either because of their logos or because their commercial. The reality is that just as Gladwell states “The specific quality that a message needs to be successful is the quality of 'stickiness. ' Is the message-or the food, or the movie, or the product-memorable? Is it so memorable, in fact, that it can create change, that it can spur someone to action?” (Gladwell, Malcolm.) In fact, the truth is that even without realizing it we make decisions based on this sticky factors of products. A clear example on how this affects us is at the moment we make decisions. If one starts thinking about the last time that you decided what to wear, or where to go to eat, you may surprise yourself by noticing that most of this decisions came from the idea of what you already knew about that style of clothing or what you have heard about that certain place, not just through friend but through the different forms of mass communication, where these rand publicizes themselves as