Mangers And Their Roles

667 Words3 Pages

Table of Contents

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1. Introduction 3
2. Leaders and their roles 4
3. Managers and their roles 4
4. Motivation and Motivating Employees 9
5. References 9

An organization consists of many individuals, who should be working towards the common goals or objectives. Individuals are given direction and co-ordinate by their managers and leaders. In this report I am going to focus on the leaders the roles of the leaders, mangers and their roles in the organization, how they manage their employees and their performances, and how they differ from the leaders, what is motivation? Ways of motivations. How to increase the performance of employees by giving them motivation? I will also demonstrate some theories on the roles of leaders, roles of mangers, motivation and how to motivate the employees. And some references of these theories. …show more content…

It is certainly the case that in formal business organizations mangers are expected to provide the leadership. However, leadership and management are different, not all mangers are good leaders.
Leadership means giving a lead to others. A leader gives guidance and direction, and other follow they the lead that they are given. It might be tempting to think of a leader as someone who tells other to people what to do, but there are different ways of leading, and telling is just one of them.
Followers look to their leaders for these direction and guidance. Leaders also influence others, and can inspire them and motivating them.

Managers and their Roles
Manager is a person who manages the organizations and teams by using the legitimate