
The Making Of A Legend Analysis

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The Makings of a Legend John C. Maxwell once said, “a leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.” Some people are natural born leaders and others need a bit of a push to get to where they need to be. Being a leader is a crucial part of (if not the entire purpose of) being a manager and the following traits are necessary in order to be an effective manager. It all begins with commitment! The role of a manger involves leading and helping others to complete tasks at a high level and in an effective manner. If a manager demonstrates the passion and commitment that they have to their job, then that lets others around them know that they can rely on that person to always be there for them when they need help or have a concern. …show more content…

It begins with having the confidence to make tough decisions that not everyone will necessarily like, but one that you know needs to be made for the best of everyone. Confidence stems into knowing what you are doing and making sure you are not shake up when people doubt you or try to come after you. Confidence also involves the ability to bounce back after mistakes and to look your fellow workers in the face and say you messed up, but still knowing that you are capable of leading them in the right direction. If you mess up and lose confidence, then they see it on your face and it could cause chaos. If a quarterback does not have confidence it ruins the chemistry and flow of a team. Let’s say a quarterback throws an interception on a play he must have the confidence to come back the next play, shake it off, and keep moving forward. Confidence is the foundation of …show more content…

Clutch is a term that resonates in the world of sports quite often as it refers to a player’s ability to succeed at a time of much need. A manager must be able to handle the heat whether it be a deadline that is coming up, a situation that went wrong and they must fix, or when everything seems to be going wrong and solutions are a myth. A manager must be clutch and help get tasks done on time, create solutions, and all while keeping their composure. Being clutch revolves around the idea of completing tasks in the face of failure and parting the sea of doubt in order to reach the land of success. If we refer back to the QB situation, when your team is trailing and you only have 2 minutes left in the game you have to be able to handle multiple parts of the game and making sure you don’t get overwhelmed and lose control of the situation. You have to deal with the time running out, communicating with your players, running the plays, defensive pressure and if you are not clutch enough to keep calm and find a way to win then it all goes downhill. Just remember to always be

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