Manic Depression Research Paper

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Depression is not a passing feeling of unhappiness, natural expected feelings of sadness from a difficult or painful event. It is a very real and sometimes even dangerous mental illness. Depression most often presents itself as feelings of sadness, but sadness is not necessarily depression.

Depression sufferers often have feelings of complete despair, hopelessness and a lack of purpose in life and enthusiasm for the world around them.

Depression may be one part of another condition or it may be its own concern apart from any other illnesses. It is a symptom of bipolar disorder, but not the entire disorder, depression is a very large part of manic depression and other associated illnesses but not the whole of manic depression.

Although depression …show more content…

Scientific research has also found a link to a gene fault that controls serotonin levels to the brain.

Some depression sufferers have also been recorded to be affected by weather conditions. Further investigation has found a vitamin deficiency in these sufferers. Much the same as statistics reveal depression is common in alcoholics due to a vitamin B1 deficiency.

Certainly depression sufferers feel unhappy most of the time, but someone who may not appear unhappy, or an individual who may rarely experience unhappiness may suffer from depression. As with many illnesses not all signs and symptoms have to be evident for the condition to be present.

Below are some of the signs and symptoms of depression. Again I will stress that signs and symptoms may not be obvious or evident for each individual.

. Unhappiness
. Lethargy in life, loss of interest in sex and/or other life joys
. Difficulty with decision making
. Feelings of drowsiness
. Restlessness, anxiety, and agitation
. Eating problems, either a loss of appetite, or excessive binge …show more content…

Depression may also present with physical signs and symptoms, these include: headaches, joint aches and pains, dizziness, cramps or belly aches.

The good news is that depression help is available and can start right away by taking back control. A depression sufferer must take a deep breath and be bold in taking a step forward. A few of the things you may do for depression help is to establish a healthy eating plan, implement a natural sleeping pattern and change 'habits ', certainly a change in routine is good for us all from time to time, on the occasions our routines, and routine thought patterns become stagnant or even harmful we may make a conscious effort to turn them into positive routines and thought patterns.

A depression sufferer should consciously praise themselves and establish a positive affirmation in reflection of their good qualities.

Most important, depression help must consist of self confrontation and talking to someone. Talk is essential for recovery, you are not alone. Most depression sufferers feel quite alone in their pain, actively seeking someone to share your concerns with does help