Mark Twain: An Annotated Bibliography

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Mark Twain: an annotated bibliography
Sweets, Henry. “Mark Twain and the Boyhood that Inspired His Classics.” Web. November 29 2015.
This article is dedicated to telling Twain’s inspiration for his books. The writer of this article starts with an overview of Twain's childhood and his years in school. It continues on to talk about how his childhood inspired him to write The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.
The goal of this article is to show what inspired Twain's books through his life story. This article gives well documented and detailed facts about What he used and what his inspirations were. This article is not biased in anyway, and can be reliable in Twain's inspirational sources.
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Mark Twain's Eternal Chatter.” The New Yorker. Page turner. November 13, 2013. Web. 17 August 2016.
The review of who Twain was is what this article is about. The writer begins with how he loved to talk and how strange things came out of his mouth, when he did. The writer goes on to talk about his first part of autobiography got surprisingly bad reviews.
Although the this article is current, it is reliable for it gives the little yet interesting facts about Twain and his writings. The facts of this article are well documented. This article is both popular and scholarly because the way it was written.
Although the author is not qualified to speak on the subject he did clarify on the little things people don't know about Twain. This source was useful in getting to know who Twain really was and one could use this source for writing a research paper on Twain. To understand this article beginners or moderate typical knowledge is needed. This article has changed my view of Twain by me learning new things about one of my ancestors.
“Mark Twain biography.” Famous people > writers. Web. 18 August …show more content…

“The First Truely American Writer.” September 7, 2011. Web. 21 August 2016.
This article is a deeply detailed biography. It begins with how his boyhood was cut short due to his father's death. It later talks about how he established himself as one of the “American literary greats.”
Even though this source of information is not current is extremely reliable and well documented for the amount of detail in provided within the article. The author name is Deborah huso and she seems qualified to have wrote this article because of the great detail within it. The goal of the article is to tell the story of Twain's life and to show what hardships he had to encounter. Deborah huso is in no way biased toward Twain.
If ever researching about Twain's life, this article provides how he became such a famous writer. Advanced and moderate knowledge is suggested for this article. This source has been helpful into getting to know Twain by giving details about his life and who he was. This article clarifies all the good things about Twain, but fails to mention the bad. This source has changed how I see Twain by me just knowing that he was more than just a

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