The adventure of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain first begins with young Huck at his house. The story begins to tell about how Huckleberry Finn has been living as of recently while introducing characters such as the Tom Sawyer, the judge, the widow, Miss Douglas, and Jim. It tells as to how Huck is rich with six thousand dollars in the bank which leads to information that was given to you in the prequel to this book, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Eventually the book starts moving along. It has Huck do things like join a “robbers” gang(18). Then eventually Pap, Huckleberry Finn’s dad, and starts running a muck in the town and eventually takes Huck to an old cabin in the woods upriver(32). Then through a series of events, Huck escapes his father and finds Jim, the Widows runaway slave(59). The two of them find a raft with a dead body aboard, which Jim doesn’t want Huck to look at because hes worried for huck. After removing the body they then go on an adventure(69). …show more content…
This river is the pathway that leads them to many more adventures. A couple of the bigger adventures include having their own boat hit by a steam boat which splits up the two, then they get back together after Jim fixes the raft(106). Meeting two con-artists named the Duke and Dauphin. The two try to scam most everyone they meet and eventually end up selling Jim. Huck then tries to save Jim when he finds Tom Sawyer. Sawyer is shot in the rescue attempt and they’re all captured. Huck then wakes up find out that Jim is a free man and that is his father is dead so he doesn’t have to worry about him coming back and threatening