Please Circle The Answer, Which Best Describe Your Present State Of Health?

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Health care has witnessed a significant shift from a reactive practice (treatment) to that of proactive (prevention) in efforts to improve societal health. With this change, it has opened the door for communities to become active change agents by investigating disparities that impede the rights of the people to achieve and maintain their optimal level of health. To that end, community health cannot be improved unless civic leaders and public health professionals gain insight into the needs of the people. Important to note, not all needs are the same, they often differ by age, race, ethnicity, as well as socioeconomic position. For this reason, it’s important first to identify your target audience followed by the development of a survey. The …show more content…

• Poor
• Fair
• Good
• Very Good
• Excellent

2) On a scale of 1 to 10 with one being insignificant and ten significant, to what extent do the following items impact your overall health.
• Overweight ( )
• Obesity ( )
• Lack of Physical Activity ( )
• Healthy Diet ( )

3) In your community what are the health services or programs that you feel need to be offered to assist you in overcoming the identified challenges.
• _________________________________________________________________.

4) From the following statements, please select all that apply to you.
• I abuse or overuse prescription drugs.
• I use illegal drugs.
• I chew tobacco.
• I smoke cigarettes.
• I consume more than four alcoholic drinks (if female) or five (if male) per day.
• I eat fast food more than once per week.
• I eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables each day.
• I exercise at least three times per week.
• I am sexually active and practice o Unsafe sex o Safe …show more content…

(Currivan, Nyman, Turner, & Biener, 2004). With this method, the survey staff makes initial contact with the parent or guardian to obtain informed consent. Next, the call is transferred to the minor to acquire informed assent, after which the respondent is transferred to a recording of the questions. The respondent then answers the question using both the telephone keypad and verbally when necessary (Guest & Namey, 2014). Unlike other methods, T-ACASI affords respondents with a certain level of privacy; thus, respondents are more likely to provide truthful responses. The T-ACASI survey is to be performed on 500 resident teenagers between the ages of 13 to 17, with parental