Mark Zuckerberg Research Paper

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As Mark Zuckerberg said "The biggest risk is not taking any risk... In a world that's changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks." This is a quote that every young billionaire understood to be successful. Some people think one million dollars is a lot of money. Others think one billion dollars is a lot of money. Every young billionaire has used money as a goal, and money comes with success. In today's time there is more young billionaires than there has ever been. It may be the better opportunities, but every billionaire has similar traits. The first billionaire I will be explaining is Mark Zuckerberg. The second billionaire I will be explaining is Bill Gates. The third billionaire I will be explaining is Sergey Brin. The fourth billionaire I will be explaining is Steve Jobs. The billionaire I will be explaining is Nick Woodman. There are many wealthy people in the world, but Mark Zuckerberg is one of the few young billionaires. Mark Zuckerberg is a billionaire because he founded the popular social media net working site Facebook. The company is in the top ten in company value, the net worth is around 38.5 billion as of this year. Zuckerberg's profit from Facebook was 6.3 billion last year. Face books income …show more content…

Jobs created the company Apple which is the richest company in the world. Jobs is the founder and was the CEO of the company. Jobs net worth is 6.7 billion even though he passed away. Jobs owned 5.5 million stocks of his company, which was worth about 2.1 billion. Steve jobs got to where he was from hard work, that is why he was one of the greatest invaders. " Jobs belongs in a pantheon of Americas great invaders" (Innovators of America 2014). Jobs was successful because of his work ethic and knowledge. What made Steve jobs a young billionaire was being one of the most innovative people on