Remember Steve Jobs Rhetorical Analysis

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“#{header}.” Remembering Steve Jobs - Apple, This article is very different than the rest because it is similar to a blog page. This is a page on Apple’s website where people, varying from family and friends to Apple product owners, share feelings , thoughts, and memories about Steve. This really puts his impact into perspective because you are reading comments from people just like you sharing their thoughts. It also shows how much people respect his hard work with many comments praising his dedication to his products. I found this article very helpful to learn that his impact isn’t just in the statistics and numbers it comes down to a personal level.

“And Then Steve Said, 'Let …show more content…

As a child he seemed much more aware of what was going on in the world then the rest of peers due to his intelligence. Steve Jobs wasn’t a very likeable person, he mostly focused on his product and not the feelings of others. That focus is why his products were so good, he always wanted his product to be the best with no gimmicks or disappointment. We also learn that because he was the first to produce such a product he had a hard time finding out how to market it. It discusses how he got involved with Lucasfilm which then lead him to help construct Pixar. This interview discusses many of his life and work obstacles.

Staff, Entrepreneur. “Steve Jobs: An Extraordinary Career.” Entrepreneur, 8 Oct. 2008, This article talks a lot about the way Steve Jobs created and ran his business. It discusses how Steve Jobs wasn’t a typical business man, he was a little chaotic. He made irrational decisions without thinking about budget or profit. Even though his actions weren’t ideal they were what made his products so great. Instead of worrying about money Jobs put all his focus into making his product great. Eventually his poor decisions ended up getting himself kicked out of his company. But to show how well of a creator he is he ended up creating a software company which he later sold Apple.

Steve Jobs.”, A&E Networks Television, 6 Nov. 2017,