
Marketing Strategy For Deluxe Chips

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A marketing strategy I designed for Deluxe Chips is to push the advertisement to target the middle-aged consumer. Additionally, I would support the push by suggesting to motivate middle facilitators to sell their product down to the consumers as quick as possible. This could be done by having key representatives speak to manufacturers and distributors and retailers (Ferrell, Hirt & Ferrell, 2012). It would key to ensure that products are readily available to the users to provide quickly the healthier alternative. It goes without saying that Deluxe Chips needs to do a test marketing in an area that there is a remarkable amount of middle-aged adults. This is to ensure that in an natural environment, there is survivalbility (Ferrell, Hirt & Ferrell, 2012). I would also suggest an early sales promotion initially to entice consumers to begin purchasing the product (Ferrell, Hirt & Ferrell, 2012). Honesty is necessary, so it is important to stress to customers, it is a preliminary price. Advertising plays a key role in making make sure the word of mouth gets out about this healthier alternative to chips. Blasting the information through traditional commercial advertising but also, search engine advertisement and social …show more content…

I am providing information that is well documented and accepted. If the company wants to make a change in the product, they need to increase awareness of their new product. As an OPD Professional, I would assist them in their capability analysis to ensure that they can create these new healthier chips and get the information out there (Laureate Education, Inc., 2007). So sitting down with senior leadership a process mapping would also be helpful. It is imperative to review current process to point out areas that my suggestions could assist in improvement. (Laureate Education, Inc.,

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