Mark's Initial Reason For Smoking Cigarettes

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Mark is 47 year old he began smoking cigarette over 20 years ago since being an adolescent. Mark articulated that his initial reason for smoking cigarettes was that he was experimenting with the drug and following his peers. He also said that at the time it seemed like a cool thing to and he wanted to display a level maturity. Before long, in addition to smoking cigarettes Mark started smoking marijuana and drank alcohol.
Mark’s initial alcohol use began with drinking beers, guinness and dragon but soon escalated into drinking rum. Once he started smoking tobacco he then decided to try marijuana to see which one he preferred which subsequently resulted in him using both. Mark started as an “intermittent smoker, which is characterized by …show more content…

He said, smoking tobacco allowed him to feel relaxed and calm and he felt that he cannot function normally without it. Over the years he saw where his addiction to nicotine use grew from smoking about 5 cigarettes per day to 10 per day. Mark exclaimed that whenever he is working or occupied he found that he would not smoke but as soon as he got home he had to have several. He said the most he has ever smoked was 15 cigarettes along with 2 ‘ganga spliff’ in one day due to stressful periods. For example when his mother passed and recently when he was made redundant at his …show more content…

It affects his brain in that he forgets things easily and has impaired judgment at times for example: once when he was drunk and opening the gate someone observed pulling the inches of the gate instead of opening the lock for over 15 minutes before the person proceeded to open the gate.
Mark’s self-autonym – with smoking and getting drunk at the same time, has cause him to lose his independence at time hindering him from being unable to walk upright, staggering and feelings of if the place is spinning. He said, he becomes very talkative because the lyric just flows. It brings on laughter. Mark was asked if he felt that he can do without the drug he says no because whenever he tries to stop the urge to smoke comes on