Marquis De Lafayette Research Paper

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Paragraph 1 Who: Marquis de Lafayette was a French general, statesman, and hero of the American Revolution. When: He was born in Chavagnac, France in 1757 and died in 1834 in Paris, France. Where: In his childhood, he lived in Chavagnac, France then moved to Paris France. He was general in the army. How: Lafayette did a lot of things to shape our country’s past. He was in the French army 1771. He was feted in ten states, spoke everywhere in favor of a stronger federal union, and was granted citizenship by Maryland. He was in many armies as a general. He was in the Assembly of Notables, proposed an elected national assembly, reform of the criminal code, and toleration for Protestants. He was elected to the Legislative Chamber and was the first to demand the emperor's final and permanent abdication. Paragraph 2 …show more content…

His only friend and playmate was a girl, his cousin Marie, who was a year older. It wasn't possible to make friends with the village children. April 1770, Gilbert's mother became ill and died at age 32. Her father died of grief few weeks later leaving vast fortune for gilbert. He never knew his father. When he was born, his father was away at war and never came back. Lafayette spent 3 years of study in the Collège du Plessis, a distinguished secondary school in Paris. Lafayette influences was George Washington. Lafayette found in George Washington a mentor and model whom he attempted to imitate for his entire public life. Their close friendship was remarked on regularly. His son’s name was George Washington. Lafayette had a lot of thing’s that motivated him. He was very rich, represented the highest rank of French nobility and his motives were so patriotic in the American cause. With all the military he found out about the insurgents and Lafayette “yearned to win glory in a cause where liberty was opposed to tyranny”. He had a reputation to keep up