Marshmallow Experiment Research Paper

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If someone were to give you a marshmallow and told you, if you do not eat it, then you get another one, what would you do? This is called the marshmallow experiment. The marshmallow experiment is an experiment that helps people have a better understanding of people’s mentality and their will power. This experiment was tested on kids, to see if they either ate the marshmallow or waited. They later found the kids that were used in the experiment while they were in high school and compared their grades and test scores from those who ate it and those who did not. Those who waited had scored higher than those who did eat it. This proves that willpower does play a large role in success because one has to believe in themselves and have self-control. The kids who waited to eat the marshmallow in order to receive another marshmallow did well in the experiment because they had self-control and the willpower to wait. The kids who did not wait to eat the marshmallow did not receive another marshmallow because they did not have self-control nor the willpower to wait for another marshmallow. One has to have the willpower in order to succeed because if you do not try to be successful then you are not going to succeed. That is what willpower is, to have the ability to try and succeed in …show more content…

It is claimed in the article that “The difference between a child who could only wait thirty seconds and a child who could wait fifteen minutes was that the high delayer had a SAT score that was, on average, two hundred and ten points higher than the kid who couldn’t wait” (Lehrer). This proves that those who did have the willpower to wait for another marshmallow did later become more successful in life. This is because they wanted to be successful and they tried and ended up being more successful than the