Martha Lane Fox Competitors

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As mentioned above, Martha Lane Fox co-founded the website in the late 1990s. After graduating in read ancient and modern history at Oxford she joined Spectrum Strategy Consulting, where she met her business partner Brent Hoberman. In 2003, she stepped down as director of the travel company and started to follow charitable interests. Fox set up the grant trust Antigone and numerous digital initiatives. Furthermore, she founded in corporation with Nick Thistleton a private karaoke company the lucky Voice. Only two years later M&S (Marks & Spencer) offered her a job as non-executive manager.
The UK Government positioned Martha Lane Fox as a digital champion to encourage people to get to know computers and online businesses. (Prynn, …show more content…

Today it is a large sport exchange on this market where people have access to bet against each other and is since 2010 listed on the London Exchange Stock. (The betfair story)

One of the first targets of the company was the Epsom Oaks in 2000 a horse race in Great Britain taking place every year since the 18th century. In 2001, Betfair merged with an gambling company named Flutter, which was founded in America. After this merger Betfair was in possession of 98 percent market share in the U.K. market (Wood, 2002)

The company widened out their offers with soccer and in the early 2000’s they recorded over £50 million on the British market. However this was not enough for the already well-established exchange firm, a product expansion toward poker and casino created more revenues and increased in volume. Moreover, in 2009 the acquisition between Betfair and TVG took place. TVG is a horse racing channel in the United States which reaches 35 million American households where people can bet from home while watching live broadcasts from 100 tracks. (The betfair …show more content…

In the fiscal year 2013, the company was counting 950,000 customers from 100 countries and 7 million transactions every day which generated revenues of £387 million. In this context Betfair registers 1.2 billion bets within one year which have a value of £56 million. This is more than all transactions done on the European Stock Exchange market. (Betfair Facts)

Edward Wray is co-founder of Betfair launched in 1999, prior he obtained his master graduation in Engineering and Economics and Management in 1991. Afterwards he worked for the Company JP Morgan for eight years, where he active in the field of debt capital and derivates and at the end represented the company as its Vice President. (Edward Wray)

Between 2006 and 2012 Edward Wray had possessed the position on Betfair’s CEO, when he resigned and Breon Corcoran took over his tasks. Due to his attitude that entrepreneurship is a realizing great value for the economy, he did not vanish into thin air he rather retained in this business. Today he is director of Funding Circle, an in 2009 corporation which enables individuals to put out money for small and medium sized enterprises in London. Moreover, he holds directorship at LMAX Exchange an in 2010 established company focusing on foreign exchange trading. (Edward