Martin Luther King Jr Accomplishments

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There has been discrimination between all sorts of races, but one that sticks out is the African-Americans. This group of people had been brought to America as slaves, but once the Civil War had ended, African-Americans were still poorly treated. This group of people was limited to where they could go and what they could do while living in a free country com-pared to whites who had many more rights.
I.A. The Civil Rights Movement had contested the United States to make our founding claim good that “all men were cre-ated equal”. The rights of citizenship and freedom would come to those Americans whose ancestors had not arrived 300 years earlier on slave ships. Segregation puts African-Americans in a bad place in society. Martin Luther King Jr. …show more content…

Martin Luther King Jr. was born 1929 and was assas-sinated in 1968. Martin Luther was a very religious man who believed all African-Americans should have the same and equal rights as white people. These rights have been fought for many years. Martin Luther played a big part in the Civil Rights Movement. Martin Luther was inspired by other people like Ma-hatma Gandhi who had also fought for equal rights. Martin Lu-ther ha started the watershed events such as the Montgomery Bus Boycott and the March on Washington. These events had sparked the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. In 1964 Martin Luther had been elected to earn the Nobel Peace Prize. Martin Luther even has his own holiday Mar-tin Luther King Jr. Day. (Haskins …show more content…

The Montgomery Bus Boycott was where African Amer-icans had decided to not ride city buses in Montgomery, Ala-bama, to protest segregated seating between blacks and whites. This event started December 5, 1955, all the way to December 20, 1956. This event is documented as the first event against segregation in the United States. The person who sparked this even was Rosa Parks she was a black woman who had declined to give up her seat to a white man at Montgomery bus station. She was then arrested and charged a great deal of money and served a prison sentence of 381 days. Martin Luther King Jr. then came into the scene as a national leader for the Civil Rights Movement (Marsh