Martin Luther King Jr Research Paper

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If you haven't heard of Martin Luther king Read this essay about him He made everyone equal. He probably is the one who saved this world from racists. Martin Luther King JR. had a big belief in nonviolent protest which helped him in the terms of movement. Martin Luther King had a tough life overall. Martin Luther King Jr had an easy childhood, good sports, a possible career. “They also enjoyed playing sports such as football and baseball and doing other odd jobs. Martin was a paperboy and wanted to be a fireman when he grew up” according to the article, “The Childhood of Martin Luther King Jr” by “”. Therefore that is why Martin had an easy childhood. Martin Luther king Jr’s Education was hard because he only did half …show more content…

All this information tells you about Martin Luther King's Early LIfe. Martin Luther King had accomplished World changing things in his lifetime. Martin Luther king was famous for peace movement and African-American Civil Rights Movement. According to the article. Therefore Martin Luther king was very famous for those two things. Martin Luther King also became very well known for his “I have a dream” Speech this made everyone with different skin and everyone unequal equal as one. According to the article. This is another reason why Martin Luther king JR. Became well known and popular. Martin Luther King went through struggles in life because everyday he was threatened to be killed or shot. According to the article. Therefore Martin Luther King stuck to his gut and made everyone Equal again even if it caused his death. This means that Martin Luther King went through a lot of tough times during his …show more content…

Martin Luther king died because of assassination /shot on April 4, 1968. According to the article. Therefore Martin was hated for the choices he made, that caused his death. This is how he still influences society today. When Martin luther King died it was a tragedy so everyone made a day to remember him on and what he did for our society today. According to the article. Therefore Martin's death was hard for everyone. This information Tells us what happened after Martin Luther King’s Death. This information shows that Martin Luther King needed a better life and everyone else did to. So he did the peace movement and African-American Civil Rights Movement. For martin life wasn't equal to him it just wasn't fair. So Martin Luther KIng JR. Had a speech “I have a dream.” Then Martin Luther King died from assassination because people didn’t agree with his choices. Overall Martin Luther King JR. Believed what he did this ended in his