Martin Luther King Jr.: The Purpose Of Education

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Martin Luther King Jr., wrote a speech called, THe Purpose of Education, for a college. Throughout his speech, he talks about how he believes education is being used for. These are my opinions on his speech, The Purpose of Education. In the speech Martin Luther KIng says that we need education to achieve reliable goals. I agree with him, because all my life my mom always told me, “ To get somewhere in life, you need education.” My mom should know since she struggled with school and finding jobs, but there’s a bigger reason on why i believe in this statement. My older sister at 18 had my beautiful niece, just as she graduated high school. She didn’t even think about college, when she has to take care of a kid. The only job she can find was …show more content…

Martin Luther KIng says, some teachers teach with reason but no morals. This basically means they teach with their heads but not their hearts. Some teachers unintentionally pick on students, or they pick on them for being if they were slow, a different or just to be plain out mean. I’ve had this experience before as a student and as a civilian. Since i’m dark-skinned, have curly hair, and a curvy body people mistaken me as african american or cuban and they just try to label me. I’ve faced many prejudice people who are very old fashioned and think i’m mixed and that my dad or mom is african american, producing hate and bad looks to my parents. Especially when people see my little sister, and since she’s colombian her skin is way lighter than mine. At schools teachers would automatically think i’ll be the loud child, misbehaved child, or the less intelligent child in the class. But after they get to meet me and meet my parent sthey finally accept me or feel bad they judged me. This is why i hate labels and why i never judged a person by his or her cover, or by the way they look. Martin Luther King Jr’s., speech, “ The Purpose of Education” isn’t just inspiring for colleges but inspiring for everyone. He tells us that education can help us achieve our goals. With education we can be detectives and pin-point the right from wrong and find the hidden truth in les. Yes, there are people in this world who will be mean to you or judge you. Ignore them and prove to them that you can be something in this messed up society, with just a little bit of