Fall Of Marxism

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Marx is a theorist that despises capitalism. He thinks that capitalism has the seeds of its own destruction within the foundation of the ideology (Romkey, 2018). He thinks there are many problems with capitalism such as, racism, sexism and other forms of discrimination. He says that these types of discrimination as well as others are all byproducts of capitalism (Romkey, 2018). Marx also thinks that what the workers want it to feel less alienated. This includes feeling alienated from the product, the process and more .He thinks that under capitalism the only think the bourgeoisie want is profit and to become richer. Marx also speaks about how capitalism will fall and how it will affect the state. He says with the fall of capitalism a revolution …show more content…

Another problem with this is that if they keep their workers, poor then in time they will find that there are no people to buy the products they make because they cannot afford to buy them. By only worrying about themselves, they alienate the workers in more than one way, which will be mentioned later on. (Romkey, 2018). Another problem that Marx associates with capitalism is that one cannot have complete freedom until capitalism falls. This is because the state tries to control the people and when the state is demolished through communism is the only time when people will truly be free (Romkey, 2018). Marx also talks about what the proletarians and the bourgeoisie want from capitalism. He says that the workers want to stop feeling alienated. He says that there are four types of alienation. Alienation of product, which means that the workers cannot afford the products that they make because they make such little money and can only afford necessities if even that. The next type of alienation is process, this is when the owners do not allow the …show more content…

He sees that capitalism does not offer equality and notices that it treats its workers poorly. He sees that all the workers want is to be respected and not be alienated from the society they are trying to help and the bourgeoisie only care about the surplus value. He understands that the issues that come with capitalism will grow until finally the proletariats and the intelligentsia will start a revolution that will demolish capitalism and make it a socialism society and finally end with having a communist