
Communist Manifesto Thesis

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The Communist Manifesto, a historical epoch that proposes a different form of economic production, attributing Communism as the new source of brining a social change, among the working class struggle. Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, wrote The Communist Manifesto , declaring that the two working class the Bourgeois and Proletarians are splitting up into two hostile classes, through communism the Proletarians are going to revolutionized and eliminate the bourgeois.
The modern Bourgeois has exploited the world market by revolutionizing the means of production, concentrating the use of property creating a ripple among other countries to adopt the bourgeois capitalist way. Through exploitation, the bourgeois are controlling the use of property, …show more content…

The proletarians goes through stages of development against its struggle with the bourgeois. It begins by, fighting against modern industry, the instrument of production that has rendered their wage and made their livelihood precarious. Unfortunately, as industry develops more, the wages of the working class even fluctuate more and the workers form a compact, to create a union in order to retain the rate of their wage. Through communication, different unions from various location centralize their struggles to form a political class to fight off the bourgeois. With the help of Communism, the proletarians will overthrow the …show more content…

The objective of Karl Marx, was to abolish the bourgeois property in which was private property, hence capital and wage labor. Capital and wage-labor are the essence of property and Marx explains how capital is a collective product of members who have a social status. With wage-labor, the laborer is kept at minimum wage creating surplus value keeping the laborer at bare existence, only to increase capital. Under a Communist society, once Communism is establish it will remove private property as stated, “From the moment when labor can no longer be converted into capital, money, or rent, into social power capable of being monopolized.” In essence, the problem with capitalism is that it creates a condition for the bourgeois placing property in to the existence of few hands, just how Marx claimed that capital is social power. According to Marx, once private property is abolish it will cause work to cease and create universal laziness. The reason why Marx, makes this observation is because in a bourgeois society, those who work acquire nothing, and retrospect, those who do not work, also acquire nothing. By eliminating wage labor, for those ninth-tenth of the population who are laborer, will then have more

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