Mary And Richard Case Analysis

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Criminal Case Scenario and Assessment Tools
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Criminal Case Scenario and Assessment Tools
Case Scenario of Mary and Richard
Mary is a third-born in a family of three siblings. Richard, her husband understands that Mary is easily irritable and can get angry expressing her temper in very regrettable ways and so he tries to live with in such a way that she does not make her angry. The origin of Mary’s unexplained anger can be traced back to her childhood. Closely examining the marital history of Mary’s parents in fact reveals that their marriage was a happy one. Mary’s parents were able to raise their three kids and Mary reported that she ever saw them in a quarrel leave a lone picking …show more content…

It focuses on 20 dynamic variables in addition to 6 static variables. These variables are derived from the Psychology of Criminal Conduct (PCC). Some of the static variables are the number of young offender convictions, the age at which the offender was during their first violent conviction and the number and characteristics of violence exhibited during the offender’s lifespan (Wong & Gordon, n.d.). Some of the dynamic (changeable) variables are the inter-personal aggression, offender’s violence cycle, offender’s criminal attitude and their impulsivity. By basing assessment on such a categorized and detailed scope of variable, criminal assessment psychologists are able to narrow down to the very core problems and ideals that form the basis of crime among many offenders. This makes the VSR – 2 a great – valid and reliable assessment …show more content…

Though the use of the three tools proposed in this paper is supported by in-depth research that empirically investigates and explains importance or each process, certainly these tools have their own shortcomings. A great disadvantage of using the VRAG – R, for example, is that the model solely depends upon static factors and there is no dynamic factor included in the assessment (Jaber & Mahmoud, 2015). This has the problem of failing to provide an understanding of the dynamic appraisal of risk levels and therefore fails to help in identification of treatment targets which ultimately might help remediate the risk level. These tools are professionally and internationally recognized and used nonetheless, regardless of such weaknesses as they provide psychologists an opportunity to understand critical thought processes among