Mary Daly's Argumentative Analysis

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A woman is a human being and she is entitled to the same rights as a man. This should be a reality accepted by virtually anyone anywhere and not a feminist stand. Many still consider that offering women equal opportunities as men is outrageous and out of this world. Popular feminists like Mary Daly have come under fire for her strong views against holding men in higher regard than women. Daly should however be celebrated by many for her philosophical argument for the inclusion of women’s rights and interests in every aspect of life. This paper presents an argument for the inclusion of rights and privileges of women, taking a stand that a woman is equal to a man as a human and both should be treated the same everywhere and by everyone.
Though this essay celebrates Daly as a feminist, it doesn’t hold to all her views that are until this day, viewed to be by far very radical. This is especially her argument about Christianity and women’s rights. According to Daly, the whole idea of Christianity is a big demonstration of how society is dominated by males. Daly is criticized by many for the view she holds about scripture being patriarchal and as such compels women who subscribe to …show more content…

Just as there are many feminist views of rights towards women, a few critics have surfaced. Theirs has not been an acceptance story since as Heyward (66) says it is dangerous to dare to criticize any aspect of feminism. A critic of the feminist agenda will always be viewed as an enemy of the fight for equal treatment of both women and men. Ruether (15) explored the struggle for equal rights for women with a special interest in women like Teresa Okure in Nigeria and Teresa Hinga in Kenya. These two women have coined for themselves important titles in the battle to register the philosophy of inclusion of women in everyday life. Their activities in Africa are a challenge to women in the west who are too afraid to stand up for what they