Mary Queen Of Scots Research Paper

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Do you know who Mary Stuart, known as Mary Queen of Scots, is? She was known as a monarch during the 1500. At the age of 6 she became Queen of Scotland. Even thought she had a short life and only lived up to 44 years old, she made contributions that impacted history in many ways. Mary Queen of Scots wasn’t always the Queen of Scotland. Her life started December 8, 1542 in Linlithgow, Scotland. Born as the only child of Mary of Guise and King James V, her mother and father knew she would have to take the throne of Scotland eventually. On December 14, 1542 the king of Scotland died. Only six days old, Mary Stuart had to become the Queen of Scotland. Only an infant, she couldn’t do anything to rule over Scotland. Her uncle, Henry Vlll, tried taking control of Scotland, but Mary’s mother ended up taking regent, or control of the country because Mary was only a child. Mary was supposed to marry Henry Vlll son, Prince Edward of England, but Scottish Catholic opposed since England was not long Catholic. Due to the Scottish catholic opposing, England began attacking Scotland in raids. They call3d these raids called “The …show more content…

It would definitely be different then today. If Mary Queen of Scots wasn’t born then something that would change that had a big impact in history would be the birth of her son, James (Stuart) Vl of Scotland and l of England. James Vl ruled as King of Scotland from July 24, 1567. Later, due to Queen Elizabeth's death, James became King of England and Ireland and was renamed James l. He inherited his crown for England on March 24, 1603 and kept the crown until his death in March 27, 1625. James Stuart made a big impact on history and without Mary Queen of Scots, he wouldn’t exist. Even if King James were to still exist, if Mary Queen of Scots didn’t exist Scotland would change in general. Nothing would be the same if someone else were to rule because nobody is the same as Mary Queen of