
Materialism Explores The Wondrous World Of Consciousness Essay

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Rich Hefferns article Consciousness explores the wondrous world of consciousness and attempts to answer the profound question of how? Another renowned discovery waiting to happen, he briefly explains the general views and theories surrounding the debate. As a National Catholic Reporter he outlines both the scientific and religious aspects of the argument. However, it is important to remember that these two views do not necessarily always cancel out, often times religious beliefs can be supported with scientific evidence. Some people view the consciousness from a materialistic view, seeing it as a result of mere grey matter similar to any other organ, which can be largely affected by physical things such as oxygen, chemicals and so forth. …show more content…

Here is where a world beyond our knowledge provides answers. Every single human being has gone through different experiences, has a different life, is a completely different person from the next. No two people are same and thus no two consciousnesses can be the same either since it plays a vital role in who we are as an individual. This differentiation is something that the materialistic perspective cannot answer. Various scientists from a wide range of disciplines:” openly wonder whether consciousness has an immaterial aspect, perhaps related to what theologians have traditionally called the soul” (Heffern, Consciousness). This hypothesis provides an astounding insight to consciousness. For centuries, humanity has often tried to decode the soul, to understand it and all of it’s wonders. The soul being something that many believe to be unique to the individual, similar to the conscious. Consciousness is a beautiful mystery, something that only seems to be hinting at a world beyond our own. Even with ground-breaking discoveries, the world is still filled with unanswered questions. The consciousness, essentially what makes each human a free individual, has ought to be a never ending puzzle that humanity might never fully

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