Math Classroom Observation Paper

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: I observed the Math class, where the developmental instance was social cognitive domains. The students worked in small groups, as they worked together to solve place value model and two-digit addition problems. They were allowed twenty-five minutes to work ten problems. The problems were written on a projector by the teacher for all them complete. The teacher wanted students to work problems together. I think she wanted to enhance peer tutoring among her students. The students enjoyed working with their peers, as they interacted during this Math assignment. The students were given the opportunity to use manipulatives and calculators to work the problems. The students were busy, but their focus was on Math. They were allowed twenty-five to work the problem. The …show more content…

Therefore, most of them, wanted to write the answers. These kids felt comfortable standing up in front of their peers. The students were interacting students. They expressed a great deal of collaborating and gestures to their peers. I think that the teacher wanted to enhance peer tutoring among her students. Conversely, the students enjoyed communicated with their peers. After, the students wrote the answers and discussed the answer. I think that most of them mastered the concepts. However, there were a few that needed more assistance. The teacher stated that a quiz will be tomorrow on these type of problems. Therefore, she had students to peer tutor one-on-one to reinforced skills. After, the math session, it was time to clean-up. During this time, there was a little chaos between transitioning from math to physical education. The students were excited about going to P.E., so they hurried to cleanup. At that point, the class lineup and walked to the gym. For physical education the students were working on shooting the ball in the basket. The boys had a team and the girls had a team. The students dribbled the ball as they shot it into the basket. The