
Matt Guthmiller's Descent Around The World

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In an attempt to complete a circumnavigational flight across the world, Amelia Earhart disappeared over the Atlantic Ocean in 1937. Her body was never found, lost among the rocks and blue waves, and her death forever remains a mystery. Many have tried to prevail where Amelia failed, but fewer succeeded. The quest almost seems to be enlisted by the Grim Reaper himself, scythe steady and ready to kill. To take the challenge that lead so many to death is a great burden, and an almost foolish act. Matt Guthmiller knows this better than anyone. 2014, July 24, Matt Guthmiller beat the world record for the youngest person to fly around the world, hoping his flight might inspire other young people. Matt Guthmiller fought many conflicts to become …show more content…

He was doubted by so many, he wanted to inspire kids with big ambitions to take the leap, as he says in a newspaper article, “Matt Guthmiller Hopes to Be Youngest to Fly Solo Around Globe” by Becky Bratu. There are lots of people Matt’s age and younger with even bigger dreams, and he knows it’s hard. Matt hopes that his story will show kids like him that the sky isn’t the limit, and that age isn’t an excuse or an boundary. Also because of the prejudice he received, Matt decided to donate to Code.org, a coding platform that make coding available for women and underprivileged people of color, as he stated under the “About” section on his personal website. Code.org is created to help the people are constantly told every they can’t do things because of a physical thing they can’t change. He wants them to receive the resources they need to reach their dreams despite the people who doubt them. Also, as it says in “Matt Guthmiller Hopes to Be Youngest to Fly Solo Around Globe”, an article by Becky Bratu, Matt was an only child. The made him more accustomed to the solitude during the flight. He expressed that he wasn’t lonely and seemed to be content flying above the rest of the world, which helped him remain clear minded during the journey. Many conflicts have made Matt to be the great man he is today, and will continue to inspire

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