Maturity In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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The fledged relationships between Romeo and Juliet and my former boyfriend and I revolved around immaturity. Part of the play’s tragedy in Romeo and Juliet is that the lovers will never have the chance to have an adult relationship. No matter who you are or how much you think you love someone, there are immature relationship habits that can and will destroy almost any romance. Miscommunication, lying, and unpromising promises are examples of immaturity that appeared in my and Romeo and Juliet’s relationships. Not communicating your plans leads to unfortunate consequences. Every couple is bound to misread each other every now and again, but if miscommunications are never clarified, it can have dire results. In Romeo and Juliet, Romeo was not …show more content…

At first, In Romeo and Juliet, the secrecy of Romeo and Juliet’s relationship was the thrill of their love, willfully lying in order to keep it alive. However, lies eventually began to backfire and eat away at their relationship. When Juliet lied to society about her death, Romeo unintentionally believed the news after not receiving her letter about the plan. Juliet was willing to fight for them with dishonesty, nevertheless, the fake death took a massive toll on Romeo. His large quantity of love for Juliet superseded any other values or emotions he had for himself, so he contemplated suicide. Apprehending the news, Romeo cried, “Well, Juliet, I will lie with thee tonight. Let’s see for means. O mischief, thou art swift to enter in the thoughts of desperate men.” In his words, “Desperate men” is used to reveal the attachment issues he had towards Juliet. If she was mature enough not to lie, Romeo would never have killed himself, and the lovers would have had the opportunity to live an adult relationship. However, Romeo and Juliet were not the only partners who dealt with lying. My past relationship was built on immature lies as well, which generated loads of complications. My ex-boyfriend and I were still together after the difficulty for some time, while he told his parents the opposite. They agreed that we should call it quits, and my ex listened. I was not aware of the situation, but despite that, he told me his parents were okay with anything. Other problems occurred, like when he refused to hang out or be polite to me, and continuously covered up why. In his words, he would say “I don’t know,” or if I exposed him to it, “That is not true.” Romeo and Juliet also faced difficulty believing certain things that were untruthful. Dishonesty in relationships is incredibly unfair, and Romeo and I can connect to that, while my ex-boyfriend and Juliet relate to