Mayan Civilization Research Paper

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The ancient times of the Maya Civilization can be dated back to 2000 BCE. During this time, the first villages and religions were established. The Mayan Civilization that shaped the ancient world began to form in the Zapotec Period from 600=800 BCE. This is when the Mayan people began to develop their mathematics, astronomy, and the calendar that would shape the classical Maya Civilizations. Moving into the Common Era and the Classic Maya Period, the cities begin to flourish and become more refined. Throughout the Classical Period, the Mayan’s were able to perfect their temple and cultural structures. It was during this period those great cities, such as Chichén Itzá and Uxmal. The Mayans were able to create the mathematical use of zero, their astrological practices allowed for them to create an accurate calendar that helped shape the …show more content…

Located in Yucatán, Chichén Itzá has become known as one of the “new seven wonders of the world”. As one of the second most visited archeological site of Mexico, it speaks in great detail about the Maya culture and civilization that once inhabited the area. Today, those whom still settle in the surrounding areas in Yucatán believe to be decedents of the Mayans. Though the religious practices may be obsolete to the modern world, as long as the site of Chichén Itzá stands, these ancient ways will be remembered. Many ancient religious are polytheistic, worshipping several gods for several different reasons. Among many gods, the most important for these cultures was the Sun god, whom controlled the light, the harvest, and the seasons. Since Maya was an advanced civilization in terms of astrology, many of their gods are representatives of those in the constellations. For Maya, the most important sign is Gemini because of the Hero Twins who defeated the lords of Xibalba and when they became gods they became the