Mcdonaldization Social Change

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Social change is the change in society that significantly alters behavior in society over time and thus develops behavior patterns and cultural values and norms in society. Social change in the broadest sense is any change in social relations. There are many examples of social change that have longer term effects on society some being the industrial revolution, the enlightenment, and the feminist movement. A lot of the process of social change is brought about due to rationalization the idea weber describes as the idea and process to perform a task in the most efficient manner. McDonaldization is a term coined by George Ritzier from his book The McDonaldization of Society. The term was used to show how the principles of the fast food industry …show more content…

Firstly, the way colleges and education system do testing has been strongly influenced by efficiency and rationalization. College exams have moved from individual oral testing by professors to where many exams are graded by machine or are largely multiple choice tests that then graded and put online. Predictability and Calculability are another result of McDonaldization in the higher education system. University uses a specific system of using the same courses taught by the same teachers using the same teaching system. While also utilized and using the same textbooks all while using online system to make teaching a personal experience between teacher and student and more automated predictable one. Choosing a college has become less about what the right fit for you and more about what the cheapest and nicest campus to be on because the same type of education style is being used in many universities. The university system is all about a certain level of control. Professors must follow certain rules and regulations classes are strictly regulated in time, and grading is ideally standardized to ensure fairness and efficiency. Students are also under a lot of control courses structured very specifically and students are expected to follow certain rules with little to no deviation and perform the task in the same way as all the other students to get the …show more content…

Which ultimately diminishes the quality of classes and allows students to learn less but also be potentially ill-equipped for future jobs because they might not have been reinforced or thoroughly understood the knowledge they need. However, in a world where college becomes more expensive, it has also become more accessible and easy to graduate and gain a degree. The level of predictable and efficient ensure that as long one is equipped to perform the task asked he will be rewarded a degree at the end of it. Max Weber 's emphasized the influence of religious ideas on the emerging capitalist world. This forced him into continuous conflict with the ghost of Karl Marx. One of the things that Weber and Marx argued was the effect of ideas on society. Although weber was respectful of Marx 's contributions to sociology, his own beliefs constantly put him opposition with Marx. Weber argued that Marx had presented an overly simplified explanation of existing ideas that did not adequately consider all the different variables that come with human action. Regarding the topic of McDonaldization Marx would argue that these systems dehumanize works and students which would cause a revolt to happen. Marx would also argue that although food and classes are more efficient they go against the benefit of the students and truly benefit the capitalist thus the