George Ritzer's The Mcdonaldization Of Society

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or it looks like a harmless and logical system of procedures and implementation of technology is just emerging as a complex process-mcdonalización- that ultimately invade the apparatus of bureaucracy and is mutated in an effective control system individual and society. The McDonaldization extends in society, although these are not at all a radical phenomenon but showing different degrees of depth.


In the movie Modern Times listed the "feeder Bellows" is a machine that aims to feed the workers, while it performs its work in the assembly and which is not necessary or even leaving your job. With this proposal what was intended was a top performance by the employee and save both time and money for the company, since by reducing the rest periods increased working time and thus production. With this type of organization the only loser is the worker who is plunged into a hardly bearable labor dynamics. …show more content…

George Ritzer in his book The McDonaldization of society McDonaldization defines as the process by which the principles governing the operation of fast food restaurants have been dominating an increasingly broader aspects of American society number and from the rest of the world. For Ritzer, concepts such as efficiency, speed, control, globalization ... pure fast food are spreading areas of the market and society. In his view, the emergence of fast food "is a new form of ideological domination begins acting on the