Mea Narrative Essay

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PORTFOLIO ASSESSMENT & Include your version of the META NARRATIVE Return to: 26th Sept. CLA... I owe allegiance to Jesus, my Master teacher and maker. His word is an absolute truth and a divine law that I and the rest of humanity must obey. Jesus authority is above all and I will submit to it wholeheartedly. My utmost desire is to know Him and to walk and learn from His ways. His wisdom is my creativeness that drives me to produce. His understanding is my truth that I may live in integrity and His knowledge is my instruction that guides my heart to fulfill His purposes and plans for me, others and the world. Moreover, His unfailing love will be my reason to love His people. Finally, His hand that reaches out to humanity will be my purpose and …show more content…

Generally, people are uniquely created from one another that they do things differently. They may share many things in common in life, but because their character, interests, motivation are not the same; thus they behave differently. In the classroom, students are expected to have distinct strengths and limitations that their levels of intelligence likewise differ from one another. Based on this condition, I believe that there is no perfect methodology that may give students the best learning experience. However, because some of the students practice helpful learning disciplines, therefore they do well in …show more content…

Physical space deals with the arrangement of classroom. Conceptual gives space for words to be known and learned through readings and lectures. Dramatic space is where the students learn the skills of discernment and mutual truth telling. All three provides a comfortable space of substantial learning activities in a classroom. The rule of truth in teaching and learning is obedience. It is responding wisely to the personal implications what has been heard. Obedience to truth is the practice out in the world attending the living realities of learning to absorb and accumulate knowledge. It calls for involvement and accountability to the truth. Learning by consensus is a practice of obedience to achieve a higher level of learning experience working and brainstorming within a group of people: it transforms the loose knowledge of individuals into a transforming knowledge. The voice of a subject is a practice of obedience to listen to the words and wisdom of subject that speaks of its own undefiled truth standing firm to resist the imposition of meaning people put in it to suppress or distort its