Mediated-Mediated Communication Essay

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Ever since the Internet was introduced to the world in the late 1960’s, the World Wide Web is becoming more advanced, popular and some how becoming apart of our daily routine. We go to the Internet to go on social networks, check and pay our bills online and to check our emails and so fourth. The Internet is helping people to connect and embrace people both good and bad. In today’s society, the World Wide Web has spread around the world and developing many forms of mediated-communication through mobile devices such as online forums, blogs, social networks sites, and etc. Focusing on the use of social network sites, it is becoming a more popular tool in an everyday lifestyle. Many people are using social Networking Sites as a way to have other people know about themselves’ or vice versa. In this paper it will address the ways in which “Self Presentation” can be seen to promote people’s cultural backgrounds and how eventually some forms of “cultural background” that usually did not appear on face-to-face communication can be seen through people’s social networking accounts through their public profiles or stream based updates. In addition focusing on the way in which social network sites have an influence on intercultural communication along with some of its consequences. …show more content…

Because of the popularity of the Internet, technology mainly portable devices; laptops computers mobile devices and etc. are constantly growing. According to study “the internet and daily life” by Deborah Fallows, a study conducted in 2012 suggests that there are approximately 2,511,615,523 Internet users worldwide. In addition the study, a survey from Global Attitudes Project has found that most people, whether they are from a developed or developing country they tend to make social networking account as soon as they have access to the Internet (Pew Research Center,