Medicare Case Study In Health Care

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What are the Facts in this Situation? Medicare instructed all medical practices requesting Medicare compensation to start using electronic medical practices (EMR). In fact, Medicare motivated medical practices by giving financial bonuses to medical practice that achieve high goals when they place EMRs in their workplace. EMR systems allow communication between practitioners and hospitals, so medical data can be quickly accessed to provide competent health care. EMR gives physicians the ability to access data of their patients by other providers so a physician or medical facility can attend the health history of a patient. On the other hand, issues have been developed with the use of Unified Medical Record System (UMRS). Several medical …show more content…

Hence, EMR systems are being considered to be used.
What are Three Organizational Issues this Case Illustrates? Three organizational issues the case illustrates are poor communication, organizational problem solving steps, and no clear growth path. The case mentioned that several medical specialists had issues with the UMRS system because it was unable to communicate well with other electronic medical record systems or the patient information system. The fact that health specialists had difficulty conveying information to the medical systems, they been experiencing poor communication problems. In addition, the use of UMRS system showed deficient organizational problem solving steps because management did not resolve the issues with the UMRS system right away. Nor was steps taken to evaluate the problem so the issue can be corrected to avoid repetition. Although the issue was reported to the central committee …show more content…

On the contrary, a physician should play an advisory role when selecting and developing an EMR to fit their individual practice. A physician should play this central role because he or she has a clear understanding of the practice, process, current issues occurring, and will most likely support the change if he or she was part of the decision making.
Is there a way to Bring Consensus and Standardize the EMR Systems without Alienating Productive Physician who bring Large Revenues to the Hospital? How can the Dilemma of Inefficiency and Patient Dissatisfaction be Prevented? Create and Present a Plan for how EMR Could be Implemented in a System with Multiple Types of Practices. Be sure to Address the Issues of Physician Specialty, Productivity, and Satisfaction, as well as Patient

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