Why Is Meditation Important To You Essay

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How Meditation Helps

Meditation is the IN thing nowadays and it has gained a number of followers all over the world. Before it became popular, a lot of people find the idea of sitting down, closing their eyes and humming a waste of time. All that changed and everywhere you go you’ll find that meditation has been accepted by society as a form of relaxation and an opportunity to help the body recover from illnesses.

Studies show that meditation can provide lasting emotional control, decrease pain sensitivity, increase focus, improve heart health, boost mood immunity, cultivates compassion and I will tell you more about its health benefits as we go along.

History of Meditation

A written evidence about meditation was established as a spiritual …show more content…

‘Open Monitoring’ method of meditation gives you an opportunity to come up with unique and bright ideas. All you need to do is to focus on your breathing without pausing and to affirm yourself with positive thoughts to set the mind free. Example of affirmations are: ‘I let go’, ‘I am open’, ‘I accept myself as I am’ and so much more. Just be creative!

Ability to Multitask

Meditation does not only focus on the cognitive side but also works on improving the physical or working side. People who practised meditation are performing better at work than those who do not. Meditators have excellent multitasking skills and are organised albeit the chaos and clutter. In a research, workers and managers who meditate have shown higher ability in staying focused in a task and experienced less stress even in a stressful environment.

Fight Depression and Lowers Anxiety

Medical doctors recommend meditation to those who are experiencing anxiety attack. In a recent study conducted for persons with anxiety, four sessions of 20 minutes meditation classes were found to be very helpful for anxiety relief.