Melt An Ice Cube Essay

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Does table salt, sugar and pepper effect the time it takes to melt an ice cube?

In areas around the world, where there are blizzard conditions, getting from one place to another is quite a problem as snow blocks the roads, railways and prevents aeroplanes from entering and exiting the country. In these countries, how are they able to melt the ice so that the road is clear for use?
If you live or have been in a place that often has snow in winter, you may have seen truckloads of salt and sand being poured onto the road after a snowfall. This is done to help melt the ice on the road. Have you ever thought about how this works?
If you have ever made ice cream the old fashioned way, you would probably know that you need ice and rock salt to make the …show more content…

Thus, the hypothesis that when salt is sprinkled on ice, a brine is made with the surface of the water, which lowers the freezing temperature of water and starts melting the ice that the brine is in contact with.
Compare results with info found in research. Site sources. Consider sources of uncertainty in your measurements.
This is an important result as it shows that table salt helps ice cubes melt faster, which has application in real life situations such as snow or ice on roads and making ice cream. It would be useful to investigate this further by testing a greater range of substances and maybe combinations of substances onto the ice cube, to determine whether there are quicker ways to melt and ice cube.
Explain any problems or issues encountered in carrying out your experiment.
I would like to acknowledge
• Ms Roy for checking my proposal to see if my experiment was able to be done
• My parents for providing me with the equipment for my experiment
• My friends for helping me to decide what my experiment I should do out of all my choices and discussing my experiment with

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