Mental Illnesses Lead To Therapeutic Behaviors In Children Essay

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Mental Illnesses Lead to Psychotic Behaviors in Children According to research many mental illnesses can lead to psychotic behaviors in children. The review of literature indicates that children that go through a traumatic event or experience can then have a bigger chance of getting a mental illness. That mental illness can also lead to the children having and showing psychotic behaviors later on as a result of the mental disorder. To prevent the child from having the mental disorder get out of hand or to have them get the help they need it is important to know the warning signs of a mental disorder. The main participant in this research study is Henry from The Good Son (1993). Henry is 12 years old, which are the age of the participants in this study. The research and data collected came from WebMD, American Psychiatric Foundation, Rethink Mental Illness, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. …show more content…

1). Henry in The Good Son (1993) showed many violent psychotic behaviors due to a mental illness that he had. Psychotic behaviors can be defined as “thinking and emotions that are impaired, they indicate that the person experiencing them has lost contact with reality” (Carey, 2015, pg. 1). Many times the person who is experiencing psychotic disorders experiences delusions and hallucinations (Carey, 2015).
1. What can Cause Mental Illnesses in Children?;
2. What Mental Illnesses can Cause Psychotic Behaviors and What are Psychotic Behaviors?; and
3. What are the Warning Signs of Mental Illnesses in