Mentor Role In Nursing Roles

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The term 'mentor ' has been generally used to describe a 'special relationship ' between a mentor as a friend, a role model and advisor to provide guidance and support in many different ways (Stuart, 2013). An effective mentorship is important as mentoring and teaching are vital in the nursing roles. Pritchard and Gidman (2012) show that mentor plays an important role in helping the mentee to be accepted and supported on clinical placements. Mentor influences the mentee 's ability and motivation to engage in clinical learning opportunities (Pritchard and Gidman, 2012).Supporting the mentee with difficult adaptation to new environment, increasing one 's self-esteem to be able to work more effectively (Pritchard and Gidman, 2012). The author as the mentor has been informed by Nurse Clinician to mentor a nursing student who had underachieved in their previous placement. The nursing student as a mentee is assigned to the general surgical ward for the placement which is the current workplace of the author. The mentor has been working as a senior staff nurse for six years. This was the second experience as a mentor. In this assignment, the mentor would discuss the learning theories of the mentee throughout the placement. The mentor uses various teaching strategies in order to know the mentee’s learning style. Positive learning environment to enhance individual’s learning capacity. The mentor would also discuss the assessment and feedback to be carried out with the mentee