Methodological Approach In Research Methodology

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Methodology is an overall plan, procedure that is implemented to do research and entire research is dependent upon the methodology of research (Cresswell, 2003). As a methodological approach I used qualitative approach in this research. As my research demands the interpretation of my participants’ perception and their intended meanings I choose interpretive paradigm for this research.
Data Collection
The data collection phase was one of the most critical stages. There are several methods of data collection, interview is one of the most common methods of data collection in qualitative research (Cohen & Morrison, 2000), the primary data were collected mainly based on interview. So, the primary source of collecting information was the one-to-one, face-to-face interview with the technical education expert identified for the study. The purpose of interviewing was to find out what was in and on the participants’ mind regarding the research questions of this study.
To fulfill the purpose of this research study, the secondary data was collected from different books, journal article, internet and blogs.
Data Analysis
During this research, the first step I performed was the identification of themes. After concluding interviews, the interview transcripts and recording were repeatedly replayed and reviewed. Once the significant statements were identified, they were coded and categorized according to the research question. Based on the themes obtained through the