Quantitative Evaluative Research

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4. Materials and methods

4.1. Research approach: the quantitative evaluative research approach was used for this study. It was applied from the research to find out how well mindfulness therapy and bibliotherapy interventions are effective and comparison between the two interventional groups related to adolescents developmental transitional identity anxiety among early adolescents.

4.2. Research design: the research design implemented for the present study was quasi-experimental design where the three group pre test and post test design was selected to compare the effectiveness of mindfulness therapy and bibliotherapy on adolescent’s developmental transitional identity anxiety among early adolescents

Early Adolescent Pretest Intervention Posttest
Control Group O1 No Intervention O2
Experimental Group-I O1 X1 O2
Experimental Group-II O1 X2 O2

O1- Implies level of adolescent’s developmental transitional identity anxiety among early adolescent before the intervention.
X1- Mindfulness therapy.
X2- Bibliotherapy
O2- Implies level of adolescent’s developmental transitional identity anxiety among early adolescent after the intervention.

4.3: Schematic representation of …show more content…

The data were expressed as frequency, percentage distribution, mean, median and SE. Comparison of adolescent developmental transitional identity anxiety level was done using Kruskal wallies test one way ANOVA. Willcoxcon signed rank test was used for estimating the effectiveness of Mindfulness therapy and Bibliotherapy in experimental groups. Paired "t" test for comparison of pretest and post test level of salivary amylase and one-way analysis ANOVA for multiple comparison experimental groups and control group. A probability of 0.05 0r less was taken as statistically significant. The analysis and graph plotting were carried out using Sigma Plot 12.0 (Systat Software,